12th September setting description

We have been learning to write a setting description.

September 12th 2016 

As he trembled, the nervous guide, observed his surroundings. Above him, he could see canopy of vines fighting to keep the sunlight out, but this was clearly a losing battle as he could see shafts of light breaching through. In the distance, the crashing river poured down with a bang. Brushing aside the door-like vines, Indie found himself staring into an endless abyss.

Mustering up his courage, he took the first step into the gloomy temple, clinging to the passage and glistening in the light. As he advanced he could tell how long it had been since a human had stepped foot in this place… Far, far, far away he could hear a hissing, sinister and ominous, echoing in the passage ahead. Nervously, he held up his burning torch, the flickering light danced in the shadows, illuminating any traps that may lurk in the darkness.

As he turned around into the corridor, he could see an archway, crumbling and in the centre of this he could see the gilded idol sitting on a plinth. As he looked around the chamber, these were no noticeable traps, that was what worried him.

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1 Response to 12th September setting description

  1. 10al19 says:

    I love your work because you have good English skills.
    Next time you could do some more work since it’s good.

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