12 September setting description

We have been learning to write a setting description.

With  his shoes making a squidgy sound he approached the concealed opening to the temple. The fingers of vines where like snakes guarding the entrance the distance birds screeched in pain taking a deep breath, he nervously  yet excitedly steeped in to the temple. The walls were  covered  in sticky cobwebs which glistened like stars and  stuck to his cloths like  super glue. Walking through the cave not finding anything tired and frustrated he started to think that maybe there was nothing there and he started  to wonder if he should just turn back. Turning the corner, he couldn’t believe that he had finally found the idol.

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1 Response to 12 September setting description

  1. 10ab09 says:

    I like the phrase “sticky cobwebs glistening like stars” because it’s very descriptive and paints a picture in my head.

    I also like the phrase “tired and frustrated” because it tells me vividly that he feels those words.

    Next time, you might want to check for spelling mistakes.

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