12th September,setting description.

We have been learning to write a setting description.

In the distance, the water crashed against the boulders below him. His shoes were still damp from the river. Above him, foreign bird’s screeched loudly. Fingers of vines lurked in the darkness waiting to squeeze him to death. Mossy damp walls surround the approach to the abyss ahead. shards of light shone down from the canopy. dense trees guard the temple like soldiers. the ebony abyss waited to digest him.

Taking a deep breath, he took his first. Stepping into the cave-like temple cobwebs masked the damp walls. The cobwebs, which sparkled like diamonds, stuck to his face like glue. Bones rattled beneath his feet as he took his next step; danger lurks ahead.

As he turned the corner, a gold gleam  caught the corner of his eye. THE IDOL. It was so calm in the chamber. That was what scared him the most…


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