PE – Rounders

Physical Education
Week Beginning: 12th September, 2016
LO: To learn the technique for an overarm throw.

This week in Physical Education (P.E.), our class moved on to the second unit of our Rounders topic. Our objective was to learn the correct technique for an overarm throw, which is essential when competing in a Rounders match, and perfect our technique. Firstly, we recapped our understanding of the underarm throw, before moving on to a demonstration of how to throw a tennis ball overarm. At first, we were not very accurate and our throws often did not reach our intended target, although with a few helpful tips from our teacher (Miss Downey) we were able to improve. Before the end of the lesson, we competed in a tournament, which was based on the game Benchball, where we had to use the method we had learnt during the lesson to throw the ball to our teammate on the bench to score a point. Due to the fact that they worked well as a team, Green squad won the most matches and were the victors.

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7 Responses to PE – Rounders

  1. 10ls01 says:

    After that lesson we had a rounders game for our batting skills, but instead of whacking it we had to hit the ball in an area for points. If the ball landed in the area and you managed to run all of the way round the four posts you would get the points.

  2. 10lj02 says:

    After this lesson I learned a lot of things, like how to make sure that I don’t get upset if another team wins.

  3. 11ns26 says:

    Good job on defeating all the other squads green team!

  4. 12cw27 says:

    I really enjoyed reading your wonderful post, your lesson sounds terrific and incredibly fun! Oh, one more thing I wanted to say is that the green squad did a great job.

  5. 10kf28 says:

    After that lesson we had to be put into groups of 6, and we had a game of rounders where there was a twist – we had to hit the ball into the target (which was a small square). To get the ball into the square we needed to estimate where the ball would go and hit it slowly and softly.

  6. 12zr13 says:

    I enjoyed your post, great job for trying your best to win the bench-ball game with your team! Congratulations for winning Green squad!

  7. 11aj02 says:

    I’ve enjoyed your post, well done Green squad! Great job other teams for trying your best to win, but try hard next time!

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